Publication Date: July 8, 2009 ISBN-10: 0136139035 ISBN-13 :978-0,136,139,034 Edition: 4
In a significant update in this version, this book discusses the problem of domestic violence a comprehensive and easy-to-understand format. Scene at the beginning of the chapter, including case studies, in-depth feature boxes and current affairs difficult topics connected to the case in real life. This book contains a powerful supplement package to address domestic violence, practice and research, policy changes, a new Internet-based chapter exercises and chapter-end problems. Some examples of the new content comprising:
A new chapter, the violence of women around the world
Segment data sources and domestic violence
Two chapters of child abuse
Chapter II of adolescent perpetrators
Chapter II abuse of gay and lesbian couples
Internet-based exercises
Criminal justice, criminology, and individuals interested in the field of sociology, this is an ideal resource.
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