Publication Date: February 22, 2010 ISBN-10: 0077366646 ISBN-13 :978-0,077,366,643 Edition: 4
The basic principles of heat transfer and a broad range of applications in a flexible format, Heat and Mass Transfer basic and applied by Yunus Cengel and Afshin Ghajar completely covered the basic principles and applications provides a perfect fusion. The text provides a highly intuitive and practical understanding of the material, emphasizing the physics and the underlying physical phenomena.
The text covers the standard heat transfer topics, focus on a day-to-day application of the physical and the real world, at the same time emphasized the threat of heavy mathematical aspects. This approach is designed to take advantage of students’ intuition to make the learning process easier and more attractive. Focus: 50% of the homework problems, including design, computer, essay, lab, and FE problems are new or revised version. Reader-friendly manner and conversational writing style, this book is a self-inspired and entertainment at the same time it teaches. It shows a simple and precise language, highly technical issues, and effective communication.