Healthcare Finance: An Introduction to Accounting and Financial Management, Fifth Edition: Louis C. Gapenski

Publication Date: December 30,2011 | ISBN-10: 1,567,934,250 ISBN-13 :978-1567934250 | Version:
Health care financing: Accounting and Financial Management, 5th Edition is the most trusted name in the latest book, of Dr Lewis · C. Gapenski in medical financing. Like its predecessors, this book introduces the reader to the basic concepts of health care financing, including accounting and financial management.

Fifth edition of the function

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New or expanded coverage
For-profit tax, depreciation
Medical Coding
Monte Carlo simulation
Table 990
Fund Accounting
The latest information on health care reform, including coverage (ACOS) responsible for health care organizations and medical homes and updated real-world examples
The updated Financial Accounting covering the surface in line with the latest AICPA format
New learning aids, including the definition of the page, for your consideration programs and key equations Quick Reference Tools
Companion website

Online access more learning tools, including:

Chapter Red Distribution of the owners of for-profit enterprises
Reward chapter covers the capitation rate setting, sharing, risk-sharing
Appendix provides the financial and operating indicators than their definitions list