Publication Date: October 13, 2009 ISBN-10: 0323056628 ISBN-13 :978-0323056625 Edition: 7
Date and easy to read, this textbook provides comprehensive coverage of all the major health promotion and disease prevention concept. It emphasizes the growth and development of the entire life cycle, emphasizing normal development, as well as the specific problems of each stage and promote common health problems. Solve all the population groups for individuals, families and communities, and a separate chapter.
Unique! This textbook evaluation framework, according to Gordon’s functional health mode, and provides a consistent presentations and health promotion.
Extensive coverage of the entire life cycle of growth and development, emphasizing the needs of the unique problems and health promotion for each development stage.
Unique! Think of this box presents a real clinical situations and critical thinking.
Unique! Multicultural awareness box contemporary culture point of view, it is important to be concerned about the planning.
“Research Highlights” box of health promotion, to discuss the current research work and study opportunities.
Unique! Hot topic boxes, to explore major issues, trends, and health promotion and controversy caused by critical discussions and debate.
Unique! Example of innovative practice boxes provide a unique and creative health promotion programs and projects.
The updated nutrition range including my pyramid, and the latest information from the FDA’s food safety and fashion diet.
Expansion of health policy coverage focuses on global health, historical perspective, financing health care, concierge medical practices, and inpatient movement.
21st Century Health Promotion explore current challenges and future health promotion and research activities.
Update the Healthy People 2010 data includes a midway review the target, and introduced to the healthy people 2020.
Case studies and care plans, and summarize key concepts and how they apply to real life practice.
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