Publication Date: December 5, 2011 ISBN-10: 1582121605 ISBN-13 :978-1582121604 Edition: 17
Thoroughly updated and revised, interactive self-care manual non-prescription drugs: treatment of non-prescription drug medications, nutritional supplements, medical foods, non-drug and prevention measures, as well as supplementary and alternative therapies to provide convenient information. 17th Edition can help students and practitioners development needs assessment and triage a pharmacy’s ability to solve problems for patients with medical complaints. provide the food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved dose information and over-the-counter transactions (OTC), and evidence of the efficacy and safety of herbal the basis of the study.
52 peer-reviewed the chapters provide updated content, non-prescription drugs and auxiliary treatment, prescription drugs, non-prescription drugs the conversion, FDA revised or final rule, the FDA safety and label warnings, treatment issues and controversies, treatment or prevention guidelines, non-prescription drugs from the market on withdrawal and update the product table and references.
Disease-oriented chapters contain new and revised case studies, treatment algorithms, relatively self-treatment, patient education boxes, product selection guide, dosage and administration guidelines.
A new chapter, the selected part of self-care of chronic diseases, including asthma, diabetes, hypertension, heart failure, dyslipidemia, osteoporosis and osteoporosis.
End of key chapters highlight important concepts.
Available online by subscribing PharmacyLibrary powerful teaching resources, including monthly updated chapters, the chapter introduced through template PowerPoint slides, links to trusted sites, and supplementary tasks / scholars case studies.