Publication Date: March 18, 2012 | ISBN-10: 0132574950 ISBN-13 :978-0,132,574,952 Edition: 5
Information Manual, nurses and health care professionals, 5 / E adoption and use of health care information technology and care information related key issues, is a complete, an overview of the latest, detailed and practical information to support the students and professionals person’s field. designed to solve all of the concepts, skills, professionals need to achieve national health iT goals and tasks, which contains three main sections: general computer information, medical information systems and professional applications. main themes privacy, confidentiality introduced in woven throughout the project management and information security context of strategic planning, and many other chapters discuss this version includes a large number of new national coverage, with the new chapter to solve the problem, such as personal health records (comprehensive survey), health information exchange (HIES), ease of use, and consumer education.