Publication Date: October 30,2009 | ISBN-10: 0123748836 ISBN-13 :978-0,123,748,836 Edition: 4
MATLAB Guide as an important tool to solve the problem
This text describes the the MATLAB mathematical tools and programming language, giving a concise and easy to master introduction to its potential and abilities. The familiar fields of science and engineering, as well as many examples from daily life to illustrate the basis of MATLAB. The new version has been updated to include coverage of Symbolic Math and SIMULINK. It also adds new examples and applications, and the latest versions of MATLAB.
· All the features of the new chapter in the student version of MATLAB Symbolic Math and SIMULINK provide complete coverage.
* Added: More exercises and examples, including a new curved beam example, the flow over the wing, and other physical problems
* Added: bibliography provides engineering problems, the source of the examples discussed in the text
· A chapter of algorithm development and programming
· Highlight common errors and defects
· Teacher http://textbooks.elsevier.com of support: solutions manual, extra problems, multiple choice questions, PowerPoint slides
· Companion website for students providing M-files used in the book
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