Publication Date: February 9, 2012 ISBN-10: 1111821755 ISBN-13 :978-1111821753 Edition: 2
By testing students, teachers approved “review process created the world, 2E * is engaging and accessible solution to adapt to different lifestyles of today’s learners. Introduces students to be successful in today’s global business strategy, approach and unique coverage in the world, 2E *. The author is internationally renowned coach, writer, and consultant Mike Peng, GLOBAL, 2E * is the first truly global enterprise book to answer the big question, is what determines the success and failure of enterprises across the globe? An unparalleled continuity of the institutions based on the version of Fusion viewpoints and resource-based view of the whole learning process each chapter book combines invitation to dialogue with the latest research results, and each the example in the chapter, including the impact of the global business of Japan’s recent “three-in-one” disaster and Libya escalating violence a comprehensive set of cases from Mike Peng and other respected international experts to explore how companies around the world including South Africa’s SABMiller, the Pearl River Delta, China, India, Tata Motors, on a global scale has expanded the case of all the new video, the map of the world, and unique global debate on the part of the state-of-the-art discussions, to attract students into the a truly global perspective to help readers view business challenges gLOBAL, 2E comprehensive program, including CourseMate’s course management system, can help you teach students to become smart, effective managers in today’s global business landscape.