Publication Date: September 15, 2010 | ISBN-10: 0393935434 ISBN-13 :978-0,393,935,431 | Version: third edition
A clear, concise, one of the latest authoritative history, the country’s leading historians.
Give me free! In the classroom, is the leading book on the market because it works. A single-author book, Give Me Liberty! For students to provide a consistent approach, a single narrative voice and a coherent point of view to see the entire text. Thread through a chronological narrative theme is the meaning of freedom in the history of the United States, the change, its limits, its access to the major conflicts of the various social and economic groups throughout American history. The third edition of the history of the United States, more fully in the worldwide. Teaching method has also been enhanced, in the third edition, in a vision of the free function of each chapter and more extensive final chapter review.