Publication Date: May 21, 2010 ISBN-10: 0,132,064,529 ISBN-13 :978-0132064521 | Version: 10
Canada’s most trusted general chemistry textbook is thoroughly revised 10th edition.
General chemistry principles and modern applications to confirm its superior problems, lucid writing, precision of argument, accurate and detailed chemical treatment. Characteristics of its innovative teaching, encourage students to understand, use and comprehensive content, reinforced the principle of general chemistry, for later study provide the ideal platform.
Tenth has a number of improvements, including Organic Chemistry expanding coverage, as well as a consistent three-part structure (analysis – Solve – Assess) a working example. Favorite of all students, rich elements of this textbook pedagogy has returned to the tenth edition, new focus, each chapter includes 10-25 new and comprehensive example, follow the practice examples and practical examples B format .
– This text refers to an alternate Hardcover edition.