Publication Date: July 1, 2010 ISBN-10: 1577666917 ISBN-13 :978-1577666912 Edition: 1
The basis of vibration theory and application of mechanical vibration to provide a comprehensive coverage. Suitable for use as a teaching courses, including graduate from entry level, it also can be used as a reference for practicing engineers. Of authority in the field, this volume offers a clear and accurate presentation of the material, and support a rich physical interpretation, many examples of work, a lot of homework.
Modern practice vibration stress analysis and computing solutions, and increase the use of MATLAB. The text covers the free single-degree-of-freedom system, double degree degree of freedom system, to analyze the dynamic elements of multi-degree of freedom system, accurate method of distributed parameter systems, approximation method of distributed parameter systems, including the finite element method, nonlinear oscillation, and random vibration. From the Fourier series, Laplace transforms, linear algebra, three appendices provide relevant materials.
Table of contents:
1. From the concept of the vibration 2. Single degree of freedom, and the degree of freedom system response to the initial excitation. Single degree of freedom, the degree of freedom system harmonic and periodic excitation. Single degree of freedom, the degree of freedom system response aperiodic incentive 5. Double degree degree of freedom system. Element analysis of dynamic 7. Multi-degree of freedom system 8. The exact solution of distributed parameter systems. Approximation method of distributed parameter systems. Finite Element Method 11. Nonlinear vibration 12. Random vibration
Attachment: Fourier series / Laplace transform / linear algebra
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