Publication Date: July 11,2006 | ISBN-10: 0471430447 ISBN-13 :978-0,471,430,445 Edition: 2
Calculated from theory and basic principles of the latest developments and experimental modal analysis, it is clear, updated reference structural dynamics.
This release updates Professor Craig structural dynamics of classic, this is a very valuable resource practicing engineers and vibration and / or undergraduate and graduate programs of structural dynamics textbooks. With the comprehensive coverage of the basic principles of structural dynamics, finite element method and dynamic testing method, this second edition includes new and expanded coverage of the calculation method, as well as more advanced topics, including experimental modal analysis and “active The introduced structure “. With the system, it proposed solutions applicable to a variety of engineering disciplines technology. It discusses a single-degrees of freedom (SDOF) systems, multiple degrees of freedom degrees of freedom (MDOF) system, and continuous system in depth; including the mode and frequency of the digital evaluation of the multi-degree of freedom system; the dynamic response of the single degree of freedom direct integration method and multi-degree-of-freedom system modal synthesis.
Many illustrative examples to help engineers face challenges, techniques and methods that they apply in the real world. MATLAB (R) is widely used throughout the book, many of the book’s Web site provides the M-file. The basic principles of structural dynamics, Second Edition is an indispensable reference and refresher courses for elderly or graduate materials engineering technicians and mechanical engineering, civil engineering, mechanical engineering and aerospace engineering.