Publication Date: December 9, 2010 | ISBN-10: 0803623542 ISBN-13 :978-0,803,623,545 | version: HAR / PAP /
Teaching students began to feel like a nurse from the first day of the Fundamentals of Nursing, Second Edition is a breakthrough, the two-volume text written in student-friendly dialogue. This is the only text design fundamentals actually teach. Volume 1 includes theoretical knowledge taught in the classroom, Volume 2 covers the practical knowledge, a professor in the laboratory. This version of the new increased security evidence-based practice and geriatrics attention. Step-by-step procedures, if part of the file guidelines, examples of written and electronic evidence-based guidelines and Reflections on procedural matters. Knowledge map using the whole spectrum of care model of critical thinking and reasoning problems, and at the end of each chapter 2. In addition, there’s more! Electronic format, the basis of available care volumes. Volume 1 basic nursing. Note 2: This group contains mixed binding, hardcover and paperback.