Publication Date: February 11, 2011 ISBN-10: 0415567750 ISBN-13 :978-0415567756 Edition: 3
Extensive revision, restructuring, and an updated version of the theme, exploring the landscape of the world, from a wide range of system perspective attractive and comprehensive introduction. It covers the basics of the forms and processes of the Earth’s surface, as well as to reflect the latest developments in the field. Consideration the nature of the basic principles of geomorphology geomorphology, process and form, history, geomorphological system, and move to the discussion:
Structure: the structure and plate tectonics and volcanic eruptions, meteorite crater, folds, faults, and terrain, and joint
Process and form: the topography, or the impact, exogenous institutions weathering, water flow meltwater development of limestone in the water, ground ice and frost, wind, sea, landscapes and landscape evolution, discussed palaeogeomorphology, including palaeosurfaces, stagnant landscape features and evolutionary aspects of landscape change.
This third edition has been fully updated to include a clearer explanation of the natural topography, land surface process and form, and in a different time scale changes in land surface. Text adjustments, including the materials and processes information on landforms, the point of this book is more suitable. Finally, historical geomorphology has been integrated throughout the text to reflect the importance of history in all aspects of the geomorphology.
Of landforms based stimulus and innovation perspective on the field of geomorphology and debate major issues. Write access and lively manner, it includes guides to further reading, chapter summaries, as well as a wide range of key terms. This book also shows that over 200 content-rich charts and attractive photos throughout, all the colors.
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