Fundamentals of Corporate Finance: Robert Parrino, David S. Kidwell, Thomas Bates

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Publication Date: October 4, 2011 | ISBN-10: 0,470,876,441 ISBN-13 :978-0,470,876,442 Edition: 2
Parrino, Kidwell Bates, corporate finance second edition based on a balanced approach to balance the main theme of risk management to create value. The goal of this text is to the intuitive calculation based master the content. From the most concrete to the most abstract provided with the opportunity to regularly review, practice, and self-test materials organization.
This issue emphasizes the intuitive capacity building, in order to solve the problems that occur in the business world. Once the principles and concepts of the understanding of our financial plan and have a knowledge-based intuitive understanding. In addition, the book deals with intellectual and mathematical rigor requirements, including the function of other finance-related business areas. Development opportunities provided by the example of the real-world problem-solving skills through stepped learning-by-doing real business case, the current application. Examples of decision-making is based on actual business conditions, and stressed that the decision-making process of the finance ma