Publication Date: May 15, 2004 ISBN-10: 0,849,316,561 ISBN-13 :978-0,849,316,562 Edition: 3
With its combination of practicality, readability, precise features of any truly authoritative reference text, Fracture Mechanics: quickly established itself as the most comprehensive guide to fracture mechanics principles and applications. Has passed more than 100 universities and accepted by thousands of professional engineers around the world. Now in its third edition, this book in scope and coverage, continue to raise the bar. It includes the theory and application of linear and nonlinear fracture mechanics, solid mechanics, materials science with a unified, balanced and in-depth approach.
Reflect decade has made a lot of progress since the previous version to the third edition of this indispensable include:
A new chapter on environmental cracking
Expand coverage weight function
The new material toughness test method
New problems at the end of the book
New material failure assessment diagram (FAD) method
Expanded and updated coverage of crack closure and variable amplitude fatigue
Update solution manual
In addition to these improvements, the basic principles of fracture mechanics and applications, third edition also includes detailed mathematical derivation applicable at the end of the chapter in the appendix, the recent developments in laboratory testing, application and calculation methods; fracture microscopic mechanisms coverage; over 400 illustrations. The reference desk of anyone involved with fracture mechanics, it is very necessary.
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