Publication Date: October 23, 2012 ISBN-10: 1451128347 ISBN-13 :978-1451128345: Sixth Edition
Amy, Karch has found that students learn best concept is built on each other more and more from the simple to the complex, built on the basis of understanding. Organized by body system, largely manual organization necessary nursing pharmacology information centralized, easy-to-learn steps. Enable students to understand key concepts build on each other’s words, a solid foundation. Throughout the book is easy to understand drug prototype box integration and integrated content summary. It includes popular and mature “Focus” theme in the entire life cycle of drug use, cultural and gender factors, evidence-based practice, patient teaching, herbal and alternative therapies and dose calculations, medication safety “Focus” drugs and drugs “Focus” table for each classification.
Drug discussions include therapeutic actions and indications, pharmacokinetics, contraindications and precautions, and adverse reactions. The detailed grounds that country. Open learning objectives and key terms for each chapter, and ends with NCLEX-style issue contains a case study in the discussion of the critical thinking movement based and case-based care guidelines.
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