Publication Date: February 19, 2009 ISBN-10: 0,071,599,754 ISBN-13 :978-0071599757 Edition: 6
The world’s most popular dermatology atlas quick, comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of skin problems
A Doody’s Core Title volatile purchased in 2011!
“This atlas uses high quality photographs and well-written, brief outline of the book covers a lot of information about skin diseases … this atlas will be more than 900 color photographs and concise description of skin diseases and skin manifestations of systemic diseases create the most useful reference. this is a book I would recommend to the non-dermatologist learning or practicing medicine in any country in any field. dermatologists, as well as in the field it is useful as a quick and easy reference guide 3 stars. “- Doody’s review of the service
Covering the full range of conditions, from rashes, to skin lesions and diseases of the hair, nails, and mucous membranes, Fitz-Patrick is a unique combination of text, clinical reference, and color atlas -1, to give you the best quality and most varied photographs of skin diseases that can be in any place. This book provides a unified format, key facts related to epidemiology, clinical manifestations, physical examination, diagnosis, treatment, each time with some clear photos show the conditions appear, plus Packed overview of each disease category severity of a particular icon.
1500 high-quality full-color images
Pay more attention to depict a wide range of skin types of disorders and diseases
Important new theme to the minute coverage:
– Pitryiasis PRP
– Palmoplantar keratosis
– Nevus lipoma shallow
– Acquisition of digital fibromatosis
– Skin signs of renal insufficiency
– Skin reactions in organ transplantation
– New recommendations for treatment, including biological agents, eczema and dermatitis; the new regulations retinoic acid and herbal products
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