Publication Date: July 16, 2011 | ISBN-10: 0,205,093,817 ISBN-13 :978-0205093816 Edition: 8
Basic knowledge of research in the social and behavioral sciences, information and student-friendly way.
Salkind’s exploratory research, 8th edition, students study methods.
Exploratory study provides an Introduction to Research Methods friendly, approachable writing style. Salkind describes how to collect and analyze data, and provides comprehensive guidance on how to prepare and writing research proposals and manuscripts. This paper explores the use of electronic channels (Internet) as a means to enhance research skills, including the discussion of the scientific method. The most common type of social and behavioral science research model incorporated, including qualitative methods. The Salkind including in the course of the study, the problem selection, sampling and universality, and the discussion in the measurement process.
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