Publication Date: March 11,2011 ISBN-10: 0323073085 ISBN-13 :978-0323073080 Edition: 8
Master medical terminology you need for this easy-to-use, objective-based approach success! 8th edition focused on medical terminology and vocabulary, exploring medical language: a student-oriented methods can help you understand complex medical terminology to use proven step-by-step strategy, each semester from its infrastructure. Logical body systems organization and engaging terminology exercises, it is your self-confidence and effective communication, and other health care professionals critical.
The terminology of the systems approach, equipped to identify and define new terms, when you meet them, and the establishment of a medical vocabulary you need in the health care environment.
Pronunciation keys, quick access to frequently referenced material.
Case studies to encourage critical thinking and challenge your application, you learn what the real scene.
Complementary and alternative medicine box highlighted with the words and phrases of the increasingly popular discipline.
Terminology flash cards (409 cards), each book provides a valuable review and self-assessment tools, anywhere you can go to study.
Audio CD, either alone or with the book provides additional fees and packaging, to help you perfect your pronunciation difficulties.
Development and learning tool companion website to strengthen your understanding of A & P review process, as well as the 5000 English / Spanish vocabulary through interactive exercises, body spectrum.
Medical terminology online, for an extra fee, give you a fully integrated online courses, animation, slide shows, quizzes, exams, and more intensive learning experience.
“Booster” companion Evolve website on anatomy and physiology important concept of A & P, and strengthen your understanding.
The entire text of the updated terms and abbreviations to keep the changes in the most advanced technology and healthcare industries.
The new illustrations clarify complex physiological processes, familiar with your equipment, you can encounter in the work.
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