The fourth edition has been
Iconic features:
Completely cover the core theme of the intellectual property
Keying the IP survey data compilation, there are enough examples to strengthen any gaps in the text within.
Examples & Explanations proven teaching methods will help to strengthen the main rules and concepts.
Focus on the fundamentals, focus on the basic rules and concepts, and to avoid more complex and specialized topics.
The flexible organizational adjusted to any course structure and allow students to work independently, and specific issues that need brushing.
Fourth edition has been substantially updated, with the following new material:
Limit the scope of the Constitution of the copyright legislation.
Range of the moral rights of artists.
Many cases, the reasonable boundaries, licensed, work for rent start in the company’s range of products and services for buyers is protected by copyright, digital rights management system limit the rights.
New Patent Law:
Several Supreme Court cases, including methods, software and gene patents; standards of the University of invention patents invalid, the standards for secondary liability.
Other cases, incorrectly labeled product patent liability of the scope of patent protection of biotechnological inventions.
Coverage by the United States Patent Law revised in 2011 Abramovich method
Restrictions on trademark protection function.
ISP customer trademark infringement liability.
Trade Secrets:
Cases of infringement of commercial secrets between competitors.
Computer fraud and trade secret protection between the junctions.
What kind of information as a trade secret qualifications, such as product concepts and database cases.
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