Leading to the student’s ethical
With a clear presentation, Ethics: Theory and Practice of ethical theory and education readers, they apply what they learn to specific classic and contemporary moral problems (lying, cheating, and the establishment of business ethics, to fulfill the moral obligation, medicine, etc.).
Jacques · P. Thiroux first wrote this text in 1977, began the students can understand the reader to the education of ethical theory and its application. As a result, text, access is not too technical and not fall into complex readings without sufficient background knowledge. Global issues and non-Western ethics completely updated text. Author: Keith W. Krasemann now continue Thiroux the efforts to make the visit to the moral values of the students. In addition to the updated text, Krasemann new and relevant material, most of which are often only of this text.
Teaching and learning experience
– MyThinkingLabdelivers personalized learning to help students successfully proved fascinating experience, personalized learning, worth from a trusted partner with educational expertise and a deep commitment to helping students and teachers to achieve their goals.
Critical Thinking – Outstanding student content – including case studies and discuss how to build an ethical system, eight appendices, supplementary reading list chapter! – Encourage students to re-examine their assumptions, to identify hidden value, evaluate evidence, assess their conclusions, and more!
Attract students – Ethics: Theory and Practice provides chapter objectives, exercises for review, discussion of the issues, ethical issues, and more! All features, encourage students to learn how moral theory can be applied to their daily lives.
Support teachers – teaching courses easier! You can create custom text, or use the teacher’s manual, Electronic “MyTest” Test Bank or PowerPoint presentation slides.
Note: MyThinkingLab does not this text automatically packaging. To purchase MyThinkingLab, visit www.MyThinkingLab.com “, you can buy valuepack the text + (VP MyThinkingLab ISBN-10: 020 517 640, vice president ISBN-13: 9,780,205,064,656)
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