Publication Date: March 7, 2011 | ISBN-10: 0735599963 ISBN-13 :978-0,735,599,963 Edition: 4
Basic skills of lawyers, Fourth Edition, provides a concise, simple explanation of problem solving, interviews, consultation, negotiation, and fact analysis. Of Krieger and Neumann attaches great importance to, in their respective fields, the use of a large number of examples to illustrate the new concept, the theme background, and engaged the interest of students. The professional responsibilities range of integrated throughout the text.
Fourth Edition uses the latest analysis of the facts, the storytelling process, negotiations theoretical insights. The teacher’s manual provides updated recommendations of the new material and design effective experiential learning program.
An ideal teaching vehicle, the characteristics of the basic skills of lawyers:
Clear, concise attorney-client relationship and the mechanism of negotiations and persuasion, rather than theoretical discussions focus
Completely covered by the solution of the problem, interviews, consultation, negotiation and factual analysis
Visual aids for a good and convincing explanation of the facts, tell the students how to arrange their own fact become a reality mode
Interesting example, a large place in the context of the theme
Comprehensive coverage of professional liability issues in appropriate circumstances
A comprehensive teacher’s guide
The new fourth edition:
Factual analysis, new insights from cognitive science research
Updated coverage of the storytelling process and negotiation theory
State-of-the-state-of-the-art technical fact-finding
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