Publication Date: August 5, 2010 | ISBN-10: 1449613616 ISBN-13 :978-1449613617 Edition: 4
Author the Friis and sellers to the fourth version of the best-selling introduction to epidemiology epidemiology public health practice. Consolidated text is clear and easy to understand language, which will introduce your students to the most important and most timely issues in today’s epidemiology. This version: – new coverage – coverage of the new disease outbreak information: – E. coli in spinach – avian influenza – XDR TB – expand the coverage of the epidemiological history – the natural history of the disease morbidity and mortality throughout the the new interest rate adjustments, update to the 2000 world standard population – health Disparities new information, including the death of Hispanic paradox – updated information of data sources, including statutory infectious diseases – to provide additional statistical methods, EG, life expectancy measures – new coverage of the new chapter of the text – the causality of the model – epidemiological professional issues – the exciting new figures, tables and exhibits the whole territory – other Exerc