Publication Date: January 19, 2012 ISBN-10: 007338030X ISBN-13 :978-0073380308 Edition: 2
Gray, Costanzo, Plesha Engineering Mechanics, 2e is a method of problem-solving methods for future engineers.
Gray, Costanzo, Plesha provided to the students in the classroom teaching experience, visually appealing-based learning framework. The appearance of the presentation is modern, like the other students have gone through the books, introduce themselves relevant, examples and exercises from the world around us, rather than the world of 60 years ago.
For example, to break in a consistent manner, to promote students set problem easy to solve the problem of incremental capacity of the hard difficulty.
The Engineering Mechanics accompanied McGraw – Hill connection allows a professor to assign homework, quizzes, and easily automated test scores and student work record scores. Is random in the Connect the majority of issues, in order to prevent the sharing answers to a “multi-step solutions, so that the students learn if they encounter difficulties.
Engineering Mechanics, 2E Gray, Costanzo, Plesha the statics and dynamics of a new dawn.