Engineering Economy: Leland Blank, Anthony Tarquin

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Publication Date: February 22, 2011 ISBN-10: 0073376302 ISBN-13 :978-0,073,376,301 Edition: 7
Engineering Economy, 7th Edition, provides a clear, bold new design using color, highlighting and icons to focus on important concepts, terms, formulas, and decision guidelines. New features, new topics (such as ethics and the grading decision-making), as well as new online tools, but there is no compromise coverage, instance, or widely accepted writing style, this popular text. Introduction What is new, graphically described provides an overview of resources for teachers and students. Solve the example problems and case studies, the current project areas, such as energy, ethics, environment, and the changing world economic challenges. Approximately 80% of the final chapter, revised or new version.
Teaching this new version of some excellent features, including easy-to-read writing style and learning outcomes for each part, examples of progress in the use of the chapter to solve using manual and integrated spreadsheet solutions, the latest case studies, Engineering Fundamentals (FE) exam each chapter’s problems, as well as many new chapter exercises end.

A significant new feature is a short report downloaded from the Internet (podcast), including the availability of voice, animation Power Point slides. These support tools, or the text of the website of the students and teachers in the classroom. Each module includes descriptive material and worked examples, supplementary course mate