Publication Date: June 30, 2008 | ISBN-10: 1,597,261,033 ISBN-13 :978-1597261036 Edition: 1
Energy for sustainable development of renewable energy and energy efficiency undergraduate textbooks on the size of the community with a unique focus. Two of the most important experts in the field of writing, it is a complete treatment of energy sources and uses a teaching method. It explores the full range of issues, resulting in the overall land use planning technology transition to sustainable energy.
This book provides a historical perspective on energy use in human civilization began, and then describes the fundamentals and trends of the energy, construction and energy, sustainable power, sustainable transportation and land use and energy policy and planning. In-depth discussion of these important areas of the most promising renewable energy, including solar photovoltaic systems, wind turbines and biofuels. In addition, the authors provide a comprehensive introduction to “green” building design, land use and the impact of the traffic patterns of energy use, as well as at the local, national energy market policies need to change, and national level. Throughout, the authors first provide the necessary theoretical basis, and then demonstrates how you can apply, the use of the most state-of-the-art practices and technologies, as well as the latest available data.
Since the dawn of the industrial age, the explosive growth of the economy’s productive capacity to stimulate the oil, coal and natural gas. World energy use has nearly doubled between 1975 and 2005. China’s energy use has doubled every ten years. The impact on the environment is staggering. One way or another, our reliance on fossil fuels will be the end. Assessment of the sustainable development of energy alternatives, and to help students understand, with good planning and policy decisions, renewable energy and efficient support global demand, economic, environmental and social cost we can afford.