Publication Date: August 18, 2012 ISBN-10: 0,321,897,218 ISBN-13 :978-0,321,897,213 Edition: 11
Mario Triola Statistics foundation still is the market-leading introductory statistics textbook because it provides readers a wealth of practical examples of data, applications, and exercises. Statistics on around us in our daily lives, and Triola is dedicated to finding new real-world examples and data sets, so that today’s readers awareness. The 11th edition contains more than 2000 exercises, 87% new, 82% of which use real data. It also contains hundreds of examples, 86% new, 94% of which use real data. Analysis of real data, students are able to connect to the world of abstract concepts. They get the understanding of the concept, learn to think, statistically, to use the same method, using professional statisticians.
Technical updates, including new instructions, covers since first printed in the “Eleventh significant advancement of statistical software.
New student workbook provides a greater opportunity for students to use their knowledge and progressive approach, as they walked the course. The workbook can be packaged with any Triola textbook.