Publication Date: March 15, 2012 ISBN-10: of 1,591,953,073 ISBN-13 :978-1591953074 Edition: 21
We are proud to introduce the “Drug Information Handbook, 21 Edition” continue Lexicomp traditional healthcare professionals to provide reliable, pharmaceutical drug knowledge. As usual, this resource follows a user-friendly, dictionary-like form, provides clinicians with fast access to Lexicomp clear, concise drug information. Lexicomp’s Drug Information Handbook is dependent on daily by clinicians everywhere to improve medication safety and improve patient care recognized by the American Pharmacists Association (APHA). The advantages of Lexicomp’s Drug Information Handbook, 20th Edition “, covers an area of more than 5,500 drugs and 31 new monographs and hundreds of existing content updated. Each monograph including 37 fields of information, including details of dose, drug interactions and adverse reactions. Complementary Lexicomp drug information is to provide a comprehensive appendices, charts, tables, treatment guidelines and recommendations for treatment and drug classification index lists all of its unique pharmacological drugs in.