Publication Date: August 30 | ISBN-10: 0,470,924,675 ISBN-13 :978-0470924679 Edition: 11
Focus DeGarmo’s materials and manufacturing process, the new version updates and more coverage of non-metallic materials, sustainable development, lean manufacturing, rapid prototyping, and modify the end of the chapters and case studies. It emphasizes the application and design, mathematical modeling and analysis equation, the controlled use of case studies to highlight real world examples.
Other revised and updated, including an increase in front-end learning objectives; eliminate the problem of the weak, and to add new problems; more focused, case studies, and a new chapter to add new rapid prototyping technology in appropriate cases; non-metallic materials coverage to expand, such as composite materials, polymers, etc., to discuss sustainable development and green, as well as engineering and it relates to the production, lean manufacturing and production coverage; and updated reference section summary.