Publication Date: December 18, 2012 | ISBN-10: 1285434668 ISBN-13 :978-1285434667 Edition: 1
Canon PowerShot G15 is the most advanced compact digital cameras, Canon has introduced. It has a resolution of 120,000 pixels, ultra-fast autofocus, and half a dozen special scene mode, makes it easy to take pictures under any type of conditions. As the owner of the Canon PowerShot G15, you require the ability outstanding pictures with your new camera. DAVID BUSCH CANON POWERSHOT G15 Guide to Digital Photography, and tell you how, when and why to use all the features of the control and function of the G15 to take great photos and movies. Introduce chapters will help you get comfortable with basic knowledge of your camera, and then dive into exploring creative ways to apply file formats, resolution, and exposure. Beautiful, full-color images illustrate the essential buttons and dials, so you quickly learn how to use the Canon PowerShot G15, and use it like a pro!