Publication Date: July 1993 ISBN-10: 088133748X ISBN-13 :978-0881337488 Edition: 1
1995 Margaret Mead (Margaret Mead) Award winner! Personal accounts biocultural anthropologist illuminates important message is about to be forgotten, and field trips in West Africa malnourished children, the more thought-provoking aspects. In its core nutritional anthropology, dancing skeletons informal fascinating areas of research and the author’s experience in Mali infant feeding and health often dramatic story. The meaning of charming little episode and honest, vivid description, Dettwyler explore different themes such as ethnocentrism, cultural impact, control population growth, breastfeeding, child care, disability and child deaths in different cultures, female circumcision, female role in the male line of the findings of the social harm and realities involved in the study emotional drainage theme. Readers will alternately laughing and crying, because they meet the author’s friends and informants, following her around the city and rural Bambara culture through a series of encounters and struggles with her as she tried to reconcile her very different the role of objective ethnographer, subjective friend, and the mother in the field. (Teacher resource materials for sale contact directly with publishers to College Teachers.)