Registered doctrine
Tests to determine if the new rules of procedure should be applied retrospectively
A consistent and systematic chapter structure,
Introduce topic
The law of historical development
Examples of key issues from the recent cases, has been proposed
The solution of the problem provided analytical and critical
Organized chronologically Chapter
Subjects order reflected in the course of the investigation
Samples of legal pleadings, reflecting the actual parameters of the lawyer
Through the eyes in the panoramic view of the practice of prosecutors, defense lawyers, judges, police, and victims
Supreme Court from the case of the 2006-2007 term,
Detailed teacher’s guide, questions and answers, to support teaching and fuel class discussion
Facts of the case and the background of several key teaching expansion pack, including PowerPoint slides, DVD Author Website
Of course, this is a pleasure to teach reading, but you can decide that it’s just a wealth of experience and expertise, Chemerinsky and Levenson bring to their theme.
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