through written.
Code of Criminal Procedure provides:
Eloquent and substantive writing, attracted on deep wells of experience and scholarship
A full dynamic and innovative teaching methods, including case tightly edited articles written by the author, the contentious issue of legal pleadings, and the prosecutor’s point of view, defense lawyers, judges, police, and victims
Chronological organization, to guide students through the criminal justice process, investigation of habeas corpus
Consistent system of treatment, in the theme of each chapter:
Introduced the legal basis for
Discussion on the history and development of the law of these problems
Recent or seminal case, has formed a legal example
Fully solve the problem, leading to a legal analysis of the success or failure of its inception
Supreme Court case, by the October 2006 deadline, with many familiar chestnuts
Detailed teacher’s guide, including discussion questions and answers in the classroom
A complete set of teaching programs, including PowerPoint slides, the DVD several key cases on the facts and background, and a website
Vitality and innovative spirit of the Code of Criminal Procedure, clear and concise text display, tightly edited cases, legal pleadings, the participant and the participant’s perspective, a complete picture of criminal litigation system.
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