Publication Date: December 7, 2009 ISBN-10: 0,314,910,816 ISBN-13 :978-0314910813 Edition: 4
The fourth edition contains thought-provoking questions, class discussion, designed to encourage and help students to learn the principles of criminal procedure. One-semester course, very suitable for this casebook contains all the necessary decisions are not covering such a huge, bulky. In addition, the new version is the the completely latest decision from the Supreme Court of the United States, as well as the problems on the basis of the decision of the lower court. Code of Criminal Procedure: Cases, Problems and Exercises is unique because of actively seeking students, they are likely to encounter in practice situation, and ask students to think about how they deal with these circumstances, for example, what is a lawyer to do when asked on behalf of the client’s lineup. For this new version, add a significant number of new problems. They also added important, the United States Supreme Court’s recent terms.