This modern version of the classic new and revised provides an important piece of lean transformation that will make a dynamic continuous success. It shows you how to implement a change, all stakeholders involved in the process of cultural development can not fail, and investment in the outcome, there will be. It will teach you how to build success from the top-down and bottom-up. If you are a leader at any level in the organization to accept or consider a lean transformation, which is, you should start and end … start again.
Now with more than five years of accumulated knowledge and experience, David Mann’s seminal work:
Lean management provides new insights into the administrative, technical and professional environment
New guidance on how to begin implementing lean management in discrete manufacturing, office and process manufacturing environments.
For further details of how to engage executives through GEMBA all sectors
Display the difference between the measurement results through process improvement
Extend the lean management assessment based on actual usage, now offers two different versions (including the Internet), manufacturing and administrative, technical and professional settings
GEMBA walk, teacher, teachers, and students taking the production workshop. The teacher asked the students to tell him or her to see, based on the answers, ask more questions, and inspire students to have a different idea of what is in his or her front. This includes learning, not GEMBA walks usually include job students to. …
Shingo Prize-winning international best-selling book, the first edition of praise:
One of the important day, the day’s work practice team leadership / management / value stream management, the most common of the lean system lean transformation – a good review. “- George Koenigsaecker, president of Lean Investment Co., Ltd.
“Lean purpose of the system is the problem all too clear. If you do not include standard leadership and cultural support systems continue to solve the problem of the system, this is missed. Many books about lean tools and initial conversion, but if you want to system must adhere to, read David’s book. “- Robert (DOC) Hall, editor, editor-in-chief, objectives, manufacturing excellence Association
“Mann’s book is a good start toward Lean Leadership” dependency “, instead of” dependence “style.” – Ross Robson, executive director, I Manufacturing Excellence Award