Publication Date: February 26, 2009 ISBN-10: 0763771449 ISBN-13 :978-0,763,771,447 Edition: 4
Thoroughly revised and updated computer system, Fourth Edition provides a clear, detailed, step-by-step introduction to computer organization, assembly language, computer architecture core concepts. Invite the student’s computer system, by the level of abstraction of the top-down method of exploring many aspects. Examine how the relationship between the different levels of abstraction, to help students find the concept of a unified text in the computer system and its components. The new fourth edition of PEP / 8 assembler and simulator, its purpose is to teach the basics of the classic von Neumann machine. Now, PEP / 8 includes a new symbol of the global variables and runtime stack trace function to display the students with real-time single-step execution of the program. Warford stressed the importance of the whole text, master basic computer concepts, it provides an understanding of the current and future technology base, also stressed the importance of a keen ability to solve problems. Computer system, the fourth edition of the architecture and organization like the ACM-IEEE courses in computer science in 2001, the guide covers all the core issues.