Publication Date: February 26, 2010 ISBN-10: 0,195,397,703 ISBN-13 :978-0,195,397,703 Edition: 9
Best-selling in the previous version of the traditional, classical mythology, Ninth Edition, provides the most comprehensive survey of classical mythology – and the first full-color similar textbooks. Of clear and widely translation of the original data, which bring to life a clear, engaging style in Greek and Roman myths and legends. Text contains a variety of faithfully translated from Greek and Latin sources, including Homer, Hesiod, hymns of Homer, Pindar, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides Sri Lanka, Herodotus , Plato, Lucian, worked hard, Virgil, Ovid, and Seneca channel.
Internationally renowned author Mark PO Morford and Robert J. Lenardon – Add a new co-author Michael · N. Sham – integration of the dynamic combination of poetic narrative and enlightening commentary myths come alive for students. Myths (including evidence from art and archeology), they also provide ample interpretative material and check the lasting survival of classical mythology, the history of its influence in the fields of art, literature, music, dance, film and cultural background.
This new version:
* Stunning full-color art program: 174 photos and illustrations (many new), 22 digital and 8 map (three new and improved) – with a clear explanation of the title, and now in full color throughout the
* Enhanced Teaching: a new chapter opened, improved schedules, maps, and genealogical expanded and updated select bibliography and highlight the Network icon, and profits between the text and companion website to provide a more seamless integration
* New and updated content: New material and discussions, including the examination of the stage of development, explain and Appendix provides a feminist analysis of the Greek religion covers the relationship between myth, religious, civic and mysterious religious hero worship, priests and priestesses, and sacrifice ceremony
Repair partner the website www.classicalmythology.org provide a wealth of resources for students and teachers, including the analysis and summary of the text involved myth; myth of artistic expression; Information comparative mythology; interactive maps, audio vocabulary, student activities and PowerPoint lecture slides
Teacher’s manual and test library in print or on the CD, available to adoptive
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