Publication Date: January 17,2012 ISBN-10: 0071777113 ISBN-13 :978-0,071,777,117 Edition: 1
Do not let the real test is the first test!
Actual exam format breadth and depth, comprehensive guide is filled with hundreds of realistic practice problems, based on the principles and practice of Civil Engineering (PE-CIVIL) exam, by the State Board of Examiners Engineering and Surveying (NCEES) . Formulas and charts, detailed solutions, including to each question. Civil Engineering PE Exam provides intensive test preparation work, the perfect companion in the Civil Engineering PE Exam Guide.
Covers all the exam topics, including:
Structure: materials, component design, design standards
Geotechnical engineering: soil mechanics, foundation, excavation, seismic problems
Water resources and environmental hydraulics, hydrology, water supply and water quality, sewage treatment
Transportation capacity analysis, planning, highways, multi-lane highway
Construction scheduling, assessment, quality control, safety
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