Publication Date: January 15, 2010 | ISBN-10: 0,321,651,782 ISBN-13 :978-0,321,651,785 Edition: 2
This innovative text explains difficult concepts in a student-centered manner. Through multi-level images – macroscopic, molecular and symbolic expression of the formula to help you see the connection between the (symbol), the world around you (macroscopic), as well as the world of atoms and molecules (molecular visualization chemical) . In other versions, the second edition provides a clear, new design more challenging problem, and a significant correction of electrochemical coverage.
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0321706153/9780321706157 Chemistry: molecular biology methods MasteringChemistry ®
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0321651782/9780321651785 Chemistry: molecular biology methods
0321695348/9780321695345 MasteringChemistry ® with Pearson the ETEXT students access Kit Chemistry: molecular biology methods