Publication Date: January 2012 ISBN-10: 111183394X ISBN-13 :978-1,111,833,947 Edition: 6
Of Anthropological a strong active learning environment when you open Robbins unique sixth edition. In the first, and the unique problems based format, this brief, cost-effective text put forward a variety of anthropological research focused on the most important issue. You will find today’s world to think critically, when you read the can opener participation chapter, complete integrated exercises, unique case study and review of anthropology at the end of each chapter, now has a new locator Maps are provided for your convenience. A unique problem-based format, Robbins’ text put forward a variety of issues focused on anthropological studies of the most important issues. Engaged in the narrative in this book, you will learn how to analyze their own culture, to understand the basis of other people’s culture. introduce organizations to solve problems, rather than topics, creating a natural kinship, caste, gender roles and religious traditions, such as discussions integrated around meaningful questions to further guide you to explore these theme.