C Programming: Program Design Including Data Structures: D. S. Malik: 9781133526322

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Publication Date: March 19, 2012 ISBN-10: 1133526322 ISBN-13 :978-1133526322 Edition: 6
The C + + programming: program design including data structures, the sixth edition is still clear text CS1/CS2 course sequence. The strong concern of the DS Malik’s time-tested, student-centered problem-solving skills and complete code examples, vividly shows how and why the application programming concepts, and the use of C + + work through a problems. This new version includes an updated chapter exercises, discussing new commissioning work, the earlier introduction of variables and simplify the user-defined function. The Malik text, to ensure that students learn how to use the C + + programming language, and actively understand the “why?” Behind the key concepts of C + +.