Publication date: January 2012 ISBN-10: 1133187846 ISBN-13 :978-1133187844 Edition: 4
The introduction of power and practicality of C + + programming entry-level engineers, Bronson’s C + + engineers and scientists, 4E. This mature, pragmatic design of the text, especially the first one, and second-year engineering and science students with a wealth of new applications and examples from actual situation involving electrical and structural engineering, fluid dynamics , mathematics, power generation, and heat transfer challenges. This book started in the program, programming a solid foundation, and then move to the reorganization, a clear description of the object-oriented concepts. Dynamic case studies, career spotlights and engineering-driven applications showcase concept, students learn to their own career. Useful tips show how to avoid common C + + programming errors, and updates to ensure that students learn the latest C + + code standards.