Publication Date: March 14, 2008 | ISBN-10: 0,324,655,223 0,324,655,223 Edition ISBN-13 :978-: 11
Comprehensive, relevant, and seriously to keep up with the times depth reports on commercial law, commercial law, 11th edition, combined with a unique student-friendly format. It provides a classic black letter law and cutting-edge coverage of contemporary issues and cases mixed – law accessible, interesting and relevant to readers. It offers an excellent variety of situations, ranging from landmark precedent to the recent decision. Ethics, global e-commerce theme is integrated throughout the text, but also stressed that the ability of critical thinking. Many functions and drills to ensure that students have a solid understanding of the concept of this chapter. In addition, the text no unmatched support materials include innovative online learning tools (in the text’s companion website: BLAW / Clarkson), which will help maximize efforts and improve results. It’s no wonder, Business Law, Eleventh Edition, more colleges and universities than any other business law