Business: Connecting Principles to Practice: William Nickels, James McHugh, Susan McHugh

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Publication Date: January 4, 2011 | ISBN-10: 0078023122 ISBN-13 :978-0,078,023,125 version:
Business: connection to the practice of the principle of the most tightly integrated business curriculum textbooks / technology solutions. Integrates the gold standard for the connection to the first version, the text content of today’s leading online assignments and examination system, the first in the higher education market.

For the text of each chapter, the business includes three functions to help the students to preview, more effective learning and application of text content. Each chapter interactive demonstration class and help students prepare to bring life to text. LearnSmart adaptive self-learning technology to provide students with a seamless combination of practice every concept in the textbook, assessment and remediation. Business philosophy, thinking and interactive applications to strengthen key concepts and require students to apply to real world scenarios will help to encourage students to go beyond the simple reading and recall.

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