Publication Date November 2004 ISBN-10: 0736051015 ISBN-13 :978-0,736,051,019 Edition: 2
The first edition of the groundbreaking, biomechanics, sports and exercise, the second edition, the introduction of sport and exercise biomechanics in concise terms, rather than focusing on complex math and physics. The unique biomechanical concept of support and illustrations, this book can help students learn to appreciate external forces and their impact, the human body is how to generate the power, to maintain the position, and the power to create movement in physical activity.
Biomechanics, sports and exercise, second edition, by observing the common activities, so that the students found the biomechanical principles. By observing ordinary activities firsthand, students will be able to develop a practical and meaningful interpretation to more in-depth understanding of the basic concept of mechanics. This practical approach combines striking visual elements, clear, concise language to encourage students to actively learn and improve understanding.
Many new benefits in the second edition of the praise of the students and teachers:
More sample problems throughout the book, on the problem-solving skills
-A frequently used equations printed on the inside front cover page Quick Reference Guide
A new chapter with the technology research in biomechanics
Review questions at the end of each chapter to test the reader’s understanding of important concepts
Guidance of a new coach, overview of each chapter, and a step-by-step solutions to quantitative problems, as well as test package
Sports and exercise biomechanics, Second Edition, is an ideal choice for those in need from the qualitative point of view more in-depth understanding of biomechanics. Text students will probably only need a process biomechanical design, training students to use biomechanical principles, and professionals in the field of physical activity. Completely updated and expanded physical education and sports biomechanics, second edition, is easy to understand and apply the biomechanics of physical activity.
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