Publication Date: January 6, 2010 ISBN-10: 0077349962 ISBN-13 :978-0077349967 Edition: 2
First edition of biology, Dr. Rob Brook, Dr. Eric Widmaier, Dr. Linda Graham, and Dr. Peter Stiling writing, has reached thousands of students and provide them with a excellent view of the biological world. Now, the second edition has been a better place! The author team is committed to producing the most attractive and the text is an undergraduate student majoring in biology. We want our students to be inspired by biology critical thinking ability. To this end, we have made the following changes in the entire book.
In the second edition, each chapter is an interesting story or a set of observations to capture student interest, they began to read a chapter.
In order to help students to test their knowledge and critical thinking skills, problem we have increased the concept of checks, is associated with the figure legends and revised a lot of problems at the end of each chapter, so they are at a high level in Blue Farm. The key question is now an answer to the appendix at the end of the book.
To further help students understand the scientific process, the characteristics of surveys in each chapter consists of three elements: a conclusion, the original citations experimental and the problem is directly related to the experiment.
Many photos and photomicrographs enlarge or replace it with a better image.
The presentation of the material has been refined into a smaller portion of some of the chapters and edit complex sentences.
Scientific content in textbooks, the author team has worked with hundreds of teachers reviews the first version of a perfect and update the content, so that our students are exposed to the most cutting-edge material.
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