Publication Date: November 12,2012 | ISBN-10: 1,609,137,620 ISBN-13 :978-1609137625 Edition: 11, North American Edition
Included in the 11th edition of the preeminent textbook examination basic guide students, history shooting, interviews and other core assessment skills, as well as fully illustrated, step-by-step techniques, sketched out the correct physical performance check. This book has a vibrant full-color art program and an easy-to-follow format of two, step-by-step examination techniques on the left, in the correct differential diagnosis of abnormalities. Medical students, a high-level nursing education and practice markets, as well as the health industry, such as the purpose of the physician’s assistant is a comprehensive, evidence-based content.
New this version:
– Which has been completely revised and updated to reflect the recent health care literature.
– More than 200 new and revised photographs and drawings have been added to the text to illustrate key points.
– The design and layout has been revised to increase the core material can be found, and a special assessment skills.
– Technical interview chapter has been reorganized to provide a clearer insight into the empathic listening skills.