Basic Marketing: A Marketing Strategy Planning Approach: Jr. William D. Perreault, Joseph P. Cannon, E. Jerome McCarthy

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Publication Date: October 19,2010 | ISBN-10: 0073529958 ISBN-13 :978-0,073,529,950 Edition: 18
Overview: previously on the basis of the basic marketing 18E version of the basic pillars – four bogey framework, management direction and strategy planning focus. The Perot franchise is a the four bogey “pioneer in the introduction of the marketing process. Unified marketing focus has been on how to make marketing decisions, managers must decide what customers to focus on how best to meet their needs. Many versions, has been in marketing management and marketing environment changing. Some changes have been dramatic, and others have been subtle. Therefore, the authors propose to reflect changing text marketing best practices and ideas. Throughout all these changes, the basic marketing and supporting materials to accompany it has been more widely used than any other teaching materials on marketing. Consistent with our beliefs, and continuously improve the quality of service, this version has been critical to modify, update, rewritten to reflect new concepts, new examples recently of “best practices”. This version extends the method of strategic planning, the integration concept closely integrated marketing strategy planning