Publication Date: August 6, 2009 | ISBN-10: 0,195,372,980 ISBN-13 :978-0,195,372,984 | Version: 5
Is strict in its fifth edition revised and updated methods of social research is not clear, fascinating introduction to research methods. In a simple, student-friendly way covering all the fundamentals, it is ideal for undergraduate and graduate level courses of the social sciences as a whole, but also as an indispensable guide researchers. Strike a balance between the basic logic of the specific technical and scientific inquiry, this book provides a clear four treatments: experimental research, survey research, field research, and the use of existing data. Rich example of the development, empirical studies in the research process, and to focus on the students a better understanding of the real-world application of research methods. The author also provides a unique chapter (13) to promote multi-way strategy.
New content:
* Many updated examples, is current and relevant to students’ daily lives
* New example, from an array of disciplines, including political science and economics in the experimental design
* Chapter moral amended, now seems as early in the book (Chapter 3)
* Extensively revised and updated chapters (9-10) research and writing research reports (17), into the development of new methods and techniques
* A new series of more than 100 key points, set off the entire text
* More visually attractive interior design, including tables, large text boxes, figures and charts
* New exercises in each chapter
* Update ideas include teacher resource CD lecture, discussion, exercises, review questions and test items. A copy please contact your Oxford sales representative. * Companion Web site (maintenance of) Each chapter is a glossary and the following materials: the selected text exercises, true / false match quiz, Recommended Reading, and network resources answer
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